Thursday, November 26, 2020

Effectiveness of Stock Photos: What works and what not?

When it comes to online world stock photos provide visitors with a sense of texture, size, scale, the contrast of a brand. According to the market gurus, 72% of online shoppers have rated high definition images as their integral part of marketing campaigns as it directly affects the purchasing decision of the buyers.

It’s no secret that high-quality images help to sell products online, but sometimes brands ignore the importance of pictures in their campaigns. It is said that from traditional advertisements to online advertisements are essential to an eCommerce experience. It’s not just that the images are valued, it’s that they are often more valued than other content on the marketing campaign such as rating, reviews and long description. 

Psychologists also say that imagery has the ability to affect the person’s mood which results in changing of cognition, feelings and behaviour. So let's see in detail what exactly works and what doesn't.

Types of Stock Photos for Buyers Purchasing:

In marketing campaigns, researchers have seen that most common buyer purchases include images of people, food, animals and travels. Stock Photos comes into three categories:

Royalty-free Images: When you buy royalty-free images from a stock photo website you can use it as many times as you like. All you need to purchase the one time license.

Public Domain: There are some stock photos which you can use without buying it, these stock photos are free for everyone and it is used anywhere.

Rights - Managed Images: For competitive reasons, these types of stock photos are limited for use, and the buyer can limit the photos to use by other people due to authenticity and competition.

Where you can use these Stock Photos:

You can easily use these stock photos for multiple purposes, commercial use is one of the most important aspects where almost all the brands are using stock photos. Apart from commercials, these photos can be used in projects, editorial and many other places. All you cannot do is to use these images in material content in the real world and also you can’t be resold or distribute it.

How much does this stock images costs:

Stock photos are not that much costly that it will burn your pocket, most of the stock photos websites charge very less for most of the pictures but if you go for a subscription for buying a large number of images then it would cost you slightly higher. You can find websites where you can grab images at a very affordable price, some of the affordable websites are Adobe Stock, IStock, Shutterstock and Pixtock.  

But if you are from India you can’t find Indian stock photos very easily, for this you can check Pixtock where you can find images of Indian people, places and many more which gives you more advantage if you are using it in Indian commercials, editorials or any other projects as it connects your potential Indian buyers.

Pros and Cons of Using Stock Photos:

Let’s check out some pros first:

 Easily editable to fit your business needs.

 Versatile enough to use anywhere.

 Time and cost-effective in terms of hiring photographers.

But still, you can’t ignore the potential drawbacks:

Images you use can be already used by other brands.

Inauthentic to your targeted audience if not choose properly.

Unintentionally violating people's emotions.

Why good visuals matter a lot:

If you don’t know this let me tell you photos can directly affect the buyer’s mind which drives purchasing decisions, try to choose the images related to your business or marketing campaign. Some statistics show that:

Optimizing your commercials or any projects with effective images can drive more traffic that simple content.

Content with photos generates around 35% more views than those without pictures.

If we talk about the powerful conversion of stock photos, you can see that today all the brands are using these whether for the commercial purpose, website design service or for business presentation purposes. These are inexpensive, easy to find and much recognizable.

Nowadays stock photos are more used than in the 90's, brand individuality is all about choosing the unique and authentic stock photos. When it comes to your commercials or projects use photos that are realistic, meaningful and relevant, if the images meet these criteria then it could be a great choice. 

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