Thursday, December 31, 2020

Tips to get Started with Still Life Photography

Still, life photography is the best way to express your creativity. It can also help you in making money through stock photography. The advantage of still photography is that you don’t need any fancy studio, you can easily start with a small space or just with a window.

Still, photography is a very lucrative business as many magazines, art galleries, and catalogue designers all need to shoot the product. Let’s check out some of the merits which are often underestimated in a still photography business:

What is Still Life Photography?

It is fine art photography in which subject matter is an unmovable commonplace object. In still life photography, the main key is composition and you will get plenty of time to perfect your vision. One of the best advantages of still photography is you need to learn to master it. It offers complete control over the photographers.

Now that you are convinced that Still Photography is the best practice where you can earn money then let’s talk about how you can start with Still Photography:

Choosing of the Subject that Attracts you:

It totally depends on you what you want to capture. Think out of the box and don’t go for flowers or plants as most of the photographers doing the same thing, go for something unique which is overly ambitious.

Try to find exclusive props for your Still Life Photography:

 An attractive prop can give life to your still photography. There are many household things you will get to make a prop such as old books, crockeries and much more stuff. You can also try fresh vegetables or cutlery to take your photography to the next level. You must ensure that if you are clicking any vintage stuff shot then keep everything vintage-looking more over the background, look and feel.

Selecting the Background:

Whether you are capturing the straight or overhead shots, you will always need a perfect background to get the shot as it makes your click look more genuine and attractive. You can easily find background in different stock images websites such as Pixtock, Shutterstock, Istock etc.

It is best to use neutral colours so that they will not overpower your shots and subjects. So how you can get the best shot which nice backgrounds:

Control Over your Lighting Equipment:

One of the best things about still life photography is you can adjust the light as per your needs and preferences. If you are a beginner then try moving the lights which directly hits the viewer's eye. Changing the light source angle can lead to the change in the look and feel of your photos. 

So basically there are no rules in still life photography, but post-production is a place where you add or delete any unwanted things and also you can enhance the photography so that it looks good in every means.

You need to get creative, taking adequate timings. If you are getting confused about what you are expecting then you can get plenty of ideas on the internet. Pick any of the still photography sites and you will get each and every idea on how you can take perfect photos of an object. 

It is the second thing on which stage your career is, remember your portfolio website is to be the centre of your marketing strategies. It is the best way to increase your presence in the market.

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